Tuesday, September 08, 2009

New Zealand Draft Open Access and Licensing Framework released

Thanks to the eGovernment Resource Centre, I've become aware of the New Zealand Draft Open Access and Licensing Framework that was release late last month.

Structured as a discussion paper, it sets out guidelines for the use of 'no copyright' and Creative Commons use across the NZ government to support the release and appropriate re-use of government generated data and materials.

One of the issues it aims to address is,
current confusion, uncertainty and criticism on the part of members of the public around Crown copyright and licensing, including difficulties being experienced through the various and inconsistent licensing practices across the State Services.

I believe this would resonate with organisations such as OpenAustralia who are attempting to reuse government data in Australia (and recently had their request rejected by Queensland).

The document provides a thorough guide to Creative Commons copyright in New Zealand.

It also includes a handy review and release decision tre to make it easy for government departments to select the licensing most appropriate for their data and documents. On first glance this tree looks jurisdictionally agnostic - meaning it could as easily be applied in Australia as it could in New Zealand.

The entire document has been released in a blog-style format, supporting comments on each page (though there are none visible to-date).

I don't expect Australia to be that far behind.


  1. Hi Craig,

    Avid follower of your blog, keep up the good work!

    Just thought I'd bring this to your attention, also found on the eGovernment Resources Centre (and freshly posted there):

    Web 2.0: The New Tools for Democratic Conversations – A snapshot of Initiatives in Government


    Seems a good, up to date round up of the state of play.


  2. Great report David - am going to post about it for Friday to spread awareness.



  3. Thanks for hat tipping me, Craig.

    BTW, nice briefly meeting you the other day at the Social Innovation Camp.



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