Tuesday, June 29, 2010

media140 OzPolitics: How the real-time web is transforming politics - Canberra 29 July

media140 #OzPolitics is a one-day Canberra coming up at the end of July that will explore how social media - the real time web - is transforming politics in Australia.

Featuring a range of speakers including politicians; political journalists; bloggers; public relations experts; academics; and lobbyists, this will be the first event of its type in Australia and will look at how recent new media innovations are transforming how Australian democracy and government operate.

If you can't attend, keep an eye out for the event online by following the #OzPolitics hashtag on Twitter.

1 comment:

  1. Hi guys, just an addition to your post, you can also track the event using the hashtag #media140 - we also have a number of discounts available too should you want to buy a ticket.

    love, media140


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