Monday, September 20, 2010

Complete the ANZSOG survey on the economic value of open government

The South Australian government has commissioned ANZSOG to conduct a research study on the topic of

"Economic value of open access to government-held data and information"

ANZSOG is seeking respondents who can provide information about the approach of their organisations to the collection and dissemination of data and/or information, as well as their personal views on this topic.

They are particularly interested in hearing stories about experiences with open access to government data and/or information (be they positive, negative or neutral).

The survey can be found at

The survey should take approximately 20 minutes, depending on how much
detail you go into and is divided into the following sections:
  1. Introduction
  2. Access to data
  3. Cost recovery
  4. Characteristics of data
  5. Benefits of access to data
  6. Barriers to sharing data
  7. Health questions (for those working in the health industry only)
  8. Mining industry questions (for those working in the mining industry only)
  9. Conclusion
The survey deadline is Friday 24 September. Any information in addition to the survey can be sent to

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