Thursday, September 02, 2010

Innovation's Social Media in Government Seminar - presentations and videos

Last month I gave a presentation to around 100 people at the Department of Innovation regarding the use of social media in Australian government, alongside Todd Wright of Threesides.

With permission Innovation have published the presentations and video over at their Innovation Blog to share the seminar with others across the public service.

I'd love to see other Departments sharing material of this kind (on a variety of topics) on a regular basis, where there's no confidentiality or commercial concerns. It reduces duplication of effort, spreads knowledge and can lead to money savings for the government.


  1. Great presentation! Thanks

  2. Great idea Craig. Unfortunately, I can't view this in my Department. Makes sharing a bit difficult!

  3. Love a good share Craig! I work on the theory that sharing is the best policy on line as your are contributing to the debate and building the body of knowledge around your topic.

    Provided you aren't giving away client sensitive information or the recipe to your secret herbs and spices - we have everything to gain and nothing to lose from learning something new.

    Will someone steal my ideas and use them for commercial gain - maybe it's already happening - but they can't replicate how I do things or who I am and what I know - which is my competitve difference - not my powerpoint slides!

    Keep up the good work on the blog - enjoying followiong and keeping up with The Gov sector - especially being based here in Canberra.


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