I've just read the latest speech by Annabel Crabbe on the changing face of the media and politics and thought it worth highlighting as, to my knowledge, it is the first serious piece by an Australian professional journalist in recognizing the changing face of journalism, politics and communication (including by government agencies).
Her views embody much of what I have believed over the last fifteen years and spoken personally about at conferences and in my blog over the last five years - the traditional view of journalism and politics is being washed away, being replaced with a far more equitable, if less controllable, environment.
Give Annabel's article a read at The Drum, An audience, an audience, my kingdom for an audience.
New media theorists have been discussing networked, user driven communications channels for eons - see Plant, Castells, Wark, Lovink, Bruns, Manovich, Galloway, etc, etc, etc - this discussion has always sort of ended up as some kind of weird, intellectual 'special' interest category rather than a recognition that the world has changed and the old ways are never going to work any more... Good to know that some peeps are waking up :-)