Monday, October 01, 2012

Victorian Government launches consultation on draft 'digital by design' ICT strategy

The Victorian Government has announced it is seeking public feedback on a proposed ICT strategy, Digital by design developed by the Victorian Information and Communications Advisory Committee (VICTAC).

The draft provides advice on the future management and use of ICT by government and how the Victorian Government can design and use information and technology to deliver better services.

The public consultation is for just over two weeks, finishing on 17 October.

The strategy sets out objectives and actions focused in three key areas and proposes eight principles to guide ICT decision making (per the chart below).

While not focused on Government 2.0, the draft strategy takes into account the increasing digitalisation of communications, expectations of citizens and the need to increasingly co-design and co-produce policy and service deliver programs and to design code for reuse, as well as the need to embed innovation within ICT and release more public data.

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1 comment:

  1. Digital by Design - Victorian Government ICT Strategy Consultation 2012

    Response from Brotherhood of St Laurence

    The Brotherhood of St Laurence welcomes the digital by design – Victorian Government ICT Strategy 2012 public consultation on the Victorian Government’s proposed strategy to “make information and online services easier to find and use” and to provide “more personalised and integrated services” through permission for the sharing of personal information and data.

    However we would like to raise some issues relating to Section 6.1 Digital engagement with Victorians, for consideration by the Victorian Information and Communications Technology Advisory Committee (VICTAC). The strategy assumes that everyone who wishes to, or is obliged to, use government services online has:

    • Access to appropriate computer hardware or similar devices
    • Access to the internet (either private or public access)
    • The financial resources to purchase computer equipment and internet access (either for their own use or at public access facilities)
    • Adequate computer skills for accessing the internet and navigating web pages
    • Language and literacy skills sufficient to understand the information presented on web pages
    • The capacity to fully understand the ramifications of giving permission for their data to be shared and the need to be ‘cyber safe’

    There are still significant groups in the community who do not have access to these essential facilities or capabilities. This includes people with disabilities, members of the CALD community, people who are socially or financially disadvantaged, rural residents and older Australians. With the proposed shift to increasing service delivery online, the government has a reciprocal obligation to provide the means for all segments of the community to access these new online services, by ensuring information is easy to access and understand, internet access is universal and appropriate opportunities for skills acquisition are provided.

    While reference has also been made in the strategy to the increased use of smart phones for internet access and the delivery of government services, the rapid increase in the use of tablet devices should also be included in these delivery plans. The design of online services needs to ensure that they are fully accessible and functional on these devices.

    Bonnie Simons, Senior Research Officer, Research and Policy Centre, Brotherhood of St Laurence on behalf of the Retirement and Ageing Research Team


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