Tuesday, November 05, 2013

The Government Data Landscape in Australia - extended

The Gov 2.0 team in the Australian Government CTO's office in Finance recently released a great list and mindmap of the Government Data Landscape in Australia. This included many of the policy and practical data initiatives across Australian governments.

This is a living list and should be expected to grow and change over time, so I've taken the data and transposed it into Google Spreadsheet, to makes it easier to amend and update and easier for people to filter, sort, integrate into sites or apps and analyse.

I also addressed a few linking issues (which I have noted in the spreadsheet) as well as addressed the accessibility issue of using the word '(link)' as the hyperlink (an unfortunate side-effect of exporting data from MindMeister).

I've opened up the spreadsheet for people to edit, so the community can help expand this list in an actively collaborative way.

Note this is based on Finance's blog post of 26 October 2013, so depending on how and when they update the list, the spreadsheet may be behind or ahead in currency at any time. There's also no guarantee that the Department will refer to or reference this spreadsheet.

However it should remain a useful centralised and community editable list of government data policies and initiatives across Australia.

The editable government data landscape spreadsheet can be accessed at: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Ap1exl80wB8OdC1jdXFsQTh4R2ZHWDI2SFBxdjVxY2c&usp=sharing

I've also embedded the spreadsheet below.


  1. Hi Craig, thanks for taking the initiative and we are glad to receive any inputs to the mind map! We had hoped that people would make additional contributions to the blog post comments at http://agict.gov.au/blog/2013/10/26/government-data-landscape-australia as linked above, and it will be tricky to keep track of changes with your Google Doc given a) there will be changes being sent to us in other ways too, b) many departments don't have access to Google Docs and c) new initiatives are being discovered every week. We'll incorporate your suggestions above into the mind map, but would still prefer people to add comments to the blog as it is a little easier to track and access.

    We were comfortable with the accessibility path we took by making the data from the mindmap also available in other formats on the blog page, and we will update those documents on a regular basis. Any further suggestions welcome.


    Director of Coordination and Gov 2.0
    Office of the Australian Government CTO
    Department of Finance

  2. Hi Craig and all,

    People might be interested to know we have launched a site for people to request government datasets. Details at http://agict.gov.au/blog/2013/11/11/why-so-low-datagovau

    Director of Gov 2.0
    Department of Finance


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