Refreshments at #pmtea Photo by |
As a blogger I have been on the receiving end of irregular random unsolicited emails from Australian advertising agencies, that sometimes spam bloggers in the hope that some of them will talk about their latest client's products.
I don't know what they charge their clients for this 'service'.
However, to my knowledge, governments and government agencies in Australia have, with a few exceptions, largely ignored the existence and influence of bloggers.
There's also been limited research by governments in Australia into understanding the reach and influence of bloggers, and few attempts at integrating co-ordinated or long-term blogger outreach into communication and stakeholder engagement strategies.
That is what made #pmtea so exciting.
Gillard met with a group of online influencers for an hour or so. She had tea and refreshments with them and generally chatted.
There was no express policy goal or message, and it wasn't a focus group. However what it did was establish a relationship that will help the Prime Minister and govenment in the future.
A photo of #pmtea attendees from |
When there is negative press coverage on something the government has done, will do (or has decided not to do), these bloggers will think twice before buying into the hype, balancing their views with their experience of her character and their personal connection with her.
This form of soft influence is vital for blunting criticisms aimed at governments and government agencies - just as it is for commercial organisations. Having reporters think twice and reflect, based on a personal relationship, before reporting, is how media advisors have influenced journalists for years, often resulting in more accurate and balanced stories.
Part of the breakdown between governments and media outlets has been due to the breakdown of these traditional relationships, which help commentators understand why decisions are being made and humanise the participants in every debate.
The challenge today for governments, Ministers and agencies alike, is to rebuild this type of relationship with a new form of commentator - influential bloggers. People who command directly, or indirectly, audiences in the tens or hundreds of thousands, making them potentially larger and more actively engaged audiences than those of many traditional magazines and newspapers.
I hope that now the Prime Minister has shown that it is possible and acceptable for (elected) government officials to meet and interact with influential bloggers we'll see agencies more willing to have their (appointed) officials doing the same.
Bloggers are not traditional stakeholders or lobbyists. They generally only represent their own views and are rarely backed by powerful commercial or religious organisations. However they directly interact with, reflect and influence the views of their audiences. They have reach, and they have a platform.
Agencies need to consider inviting them to their conferences, bringing them in as part of their stakeholder groups. involving them in their research and providing them with stories (not media releases) and content they can share.
In other words, agencies need to recognise the influence of bloggers, just as they do traditional media commentators.
And, most importantly, agencies need to read what influential bloggers write.
Here's a list of some of the coverage of #PMTea by blogs, forums and news outlets.
- Allconsuming: Morning Tea with the Prime Minister at Kirribilli House. I KNOW. -
- Daily Life: The best time I ever met Australia's Prime Minister -
- Edenland: Julia Gillard, the Bloggers, and the Agenda. - and -
- Good googs: I made a joke and the Prime Minister laughed -
- Life and other crises: PM Seeks Sackville's Advice on Anxiety -
- Lizosaurus: #PMtea -
- MonetPaisley: PMtea -
- MyMummydaze: Julia Gillard is more than just our PM -
- Mummy time: The one where I got all huggy with Ms JG -
- Parent wellbeing: Morning tea with the Prime Minister -
- Planning with kids: Morning tea with the Prime Minister -
- The Bub Hub: Morning tea with the PM -
- WOOGSWORLD: White and one, thanks Jules. Part One -
- WOOGSWORLD: White and one, thanks Jules. Part two -
- Sydney Morning Herald: PM gets more than a cuppa and a catch-up as mummy bloggers spread the goss -
- ABC Radio 666 Canberra: The World Today -