I've been reading a post by James Dellow at his Chieftech blog, Using Twitter as a benchmark for Australian local government use of social media.
He compared the 90 out of 468 (approx. 20%) UK councils using Twitter to the 3 out of 677 (less than 1%) Australian councils using the tool to engage online, asked the question,
If you work in local government in Australia I would love to know more about what’s stopping you from experimenting with social media and social computing.
Of course the UK isn't the only nation making extensive use of Twitter and other online tools to engage citizens. The US is on a similar path, with over 300+ US government agencies and politicans officially using the service.
Governments across Europe and Asia are also adopting this and other online tools in a strategic and integrated way.
If anyone has an answer to James' question, I'd like to read it as well.